SKManager Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in SKManager.h


The purpose of the SKManager class is to handle the communication with the blukii SmartKey’s. It is impelemented according to the singelton design pattern and the application can get the shared object with the corresponding method [SKManager sharedManager]. Its highly recommended to implement the SKManagerDelegate protocol for a class which uses the SKManager. Otherwise that class will not get any feedback about the communication with the SmartKey or anything else what is triggered by the SKManager.



This is the delegate which receives the delegate method calls for the SKManagerDelegate protocol.

@property id<SKManagerDelegate> delegate

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Represents the personal SmartKey, which is linked to the SKManager. nil if no SmartKey is linked.

@property SmartKey *linkedKey

See Also

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Get the SKManager Object

+ sharedManager

This method returns the shared SKManager object. At first call it will instantiate and return the object which will be returned each repeated call.

+ (id)sharedManager

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– resetSecuritySettings

The invocation of this method forces a reset of the complete security settings in the SKManager.

- (void)resetSecuritySettings


Its possible, in case of an security dependent error, that the SKManager will invoke this method independent e.g. during a configuration process or if a modified SmartKey has been detected.

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Search and link

– requestSmartKeysWithTimeout:repeated:

Trigger a new SmartKey search request to search for near located SmartKey’s.

- (BOOL)requestSmartKeysWithTimeout:(int)ms repeated:(bool)repeat



Interval in milliseconds which determines how long the search request will last.


Indicates whether the request should repeat (true) or not (false).

Return Value

True if the request has been triggered, false if the SKManager has an activ connection.


As a result of the request the SKManager will invoke SKManagerReceivedSmartKeys: when the time in ms is expired. Requesting SmartKey’s is not possible when the SKManager has an activ connection to the linked SmartKey. In that case the invocation of requestSmartKeysWithTimeout:repeated: has no effect and the delegate method will not be called.

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– cancleSmartKeyRequest

Immediately stop a pending SmartKey search request which has been started with requestSmartKeysWithTimeout:repeated:.

- (void)cancleSmartKeyRequest

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– linkSmartKey:

This method links a SmartKey to the SKManager. That means that every followed operation which needs a linked SmartKey and is triggered from the SKManager will use this SmartKey as personal SmartKey until resetSecuritySettings has been called or until a security depented operation failed.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)linkSmartKey:(SmartKey *)sk



The SmartKey object which will be linked to the SKManager

Return Value

There are the following possible SKManagerStatusCodes for the return value:

  • SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess -> The SmartKey has become linked
  • SKManagerStatusCodesOperationFailed -> Another SmartKey is already linked to the SKManager. Its possible to delete the linked SmartKey through a security settings reset.

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– connectToSmartKey:

Sends a connection request to the SmartKey.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)connectToSmartKey:(BOOL)powerSaving



true: Power-Saving active, false: Power-Saving inactiv

Return Value

There are the following possible SKManagerStatusCodes for the return value:

  • SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess -> The connection request was successful
  • SKManagerStatusCodesOperationFailed -> The SmartKey is not connectable or not located currently


When the linked SmartKey doesn’t accept the request within the next 5 seconds after the connection request is set, the connection delegate method will be invoked as failed.

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– reconnectSmartKey

Forces a reconnect if the linked SmartKey is currently connected.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)reconnectSmartKey

Return Value

If the reconnect has been initiated successfully the return value will be SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess. Otherwise it returns the correspondent SKManagerStatusCodes value

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– disconnectFromSmartKey

Forces a disconnect from the linked SmartKey.

- (void)disconnectFromSmartKey

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– connectionStatus

Returns the current connection status of the linked SmartKey.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)connectionStatus

Return Value

There are the following possible SKManagerStatusCodes for the return value:

  • SKManagerStatusCodesNoSmartKeyLinked
  • SKManagerStatusCodesLinkedSmartKeyNotConnected
  • SKManagerStatusCodesLinkedSmartKeyNotReady
  • SKManagerStatusCodesLinkedSmartKeyReady

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– readConfigState

Initiate a update for the config state of the linked SmartKey.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)readConfigState

Return Value

If the update request has been initiated successfully the return value will be SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess. Otherwise it returns the correspondent SKManagerStatusCodes value

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– readBatteryLevel

Initiate a update for the battery level of the linked SmartKey.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)readBatteryLevel

Return Value

If the update request has been initiated successfully the return value will be SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess. Otherwise it returns the correspondent SKManagerStatusCodes value.

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– configurateConvenienceMode

This method tries to start a configuration process for the linked SmartKey. If the linked SmartKey is currently in the Service-Mode it can be configured with this method as SmartKey with the security state: Convenience.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)configurateConvenienceMode

Return Value

If the configuration has been initiated successfully the return value will be SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess. Otherwise it returns the correspondent SKManagerStatusCodes value.


The SKManager will invoke SKManagerConfigurationDone: when the configuration process has been done successfully or if the timeout which is about 20 seconds will running out before.

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– configuratePairingModeWithPairingKey:

This method tries to start a configuration process for the linked SmartKey. If the linked SmartKey is currently in the Service-Mode it can be configured with this method as SmartKey with the security state: Pairing.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)configuratePairingModeWithPairingKey:(SKPairingKey *)key



The pairing key which will be set on the SmartKey if the configuration process succeeds.

Return Value

If the configuration has been initiated successfully the return value will be SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess. Otherwise it returns the correspondent SKManagerStatusCodes value.


The SKManager will invoke the SKManagerConfigurationDone: method when the configuration process has been done successfully or if the timeout which is about 20 seconds will running out before.

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– configurateSecureModeWithPairingKey:

This method tries to start a configuration process for the linked SmartKey. If the linked SmartKey is currently in the Service-Mode it can be configured with this method as SmartKey with the security state: Secure.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)configurateSecureModeWithPairingKey:(SKPairingKey *)key



The pairing key which will be set on the SmartKey if the configuration process succeeds.

Return Value

If the configuration has been initiated successfully the return value will be SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess. Otherwise it returns the correspondent SKManagerStatusCodes value.


The SKManager will invoke the SKManagerConfigurationDone: method when the configuration process has been done successfully or if the timeout which is about 20 seconds will running out before.

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– resetConfig

Try to send the command which forces a resets of the security configuration on the SmartKey.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)resetConfig

Return Value

If the reset config request has been initiated successfully the return value will be SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess. Otherwise it returns the correspondent SKManagerStatusCodes value


Resetting the SmartKey’s configuration is only possible if the resetConfig method will be sent within the first 30 seconds after a power on reset of the SmartKey.(e.g due to a battery replacement). After a succeeded reset the SmartKey needs a new configuration before it can be used furthermore. The corresponding delegate method will inform about the result of the request.

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– initiateAuthenticationChallenge

This method tries to initiate a authentication challenge with the linked SmartKey.

- (SKManagerStatusCodes)initiateAuthenticationChallenge

Return Value

If the initiation of the challenge is successful the return value will be SKManagerStatusCodesSuccess. Otherwise it returns the correspondent SKManagerStatusCodes value


The authentication challenge can only be initiated if the linked SmartKey is configurated complete and correctly in secure mode.

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