blukii-SmartKey-Framwork is a framework for an easy use of our blukii SmartKey in your own app. With the framework you can configure the blukii SmartKey and authenticate with the blukii SmartKey.
To learn about the usage of the framework classees please find the blukiiSK Framework Reference
There you will also find sample code framgments and a demo project.
Please follow the instructions for using the blukii-smartKey-framework in your xCode-Project.
The minimum iOS Version is iOS 10.0
The minimum Mac Version is Mac OS 10.13
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects like the blukiiSK. Here you will find more information about CocoaPod.
Install cocoapods:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Generate a podfile for your xcode Project:
pod init
Insert the new depency to your Podfile:
target 'YourApp' do
pod 'blukiiSK'
Then run the following command:
pod install
For a Swift project you have to add an Bridiging-Header and import the blukiiSK:
#import <blukiiSK/blukiiSK.h>
Now you are ready to start developing your blukii App!
The blukiiSK Framework Reference should help you to understand what are the right settings for your special use case. Here you will find a demo Project: Demo Project