In this documentation the JSON API structure 2.0 is described.
Last modified for version:
The hub expects the following response data, if the server accepts the JSON data structure.
Response status codes: 200, 202, 204, 302
Response content: JSON string, if no content should be sent to hub, then “{}” is expected
Output example of the push interface
"id": "hub86C274E0",
"localIp": "",
"data": [
This format contains the raw byte data of each received data frame.
id: hub ID
_localIp: IP address in local network
data: array of received data frames (raw bytes), see coding below
MAC | RSSI | Timestamp | Battery | Type | Content |
6 bytes | 1 byte | 8 bytes | 1 byte | 1 byte | N bytes |
MAC: 6 bytes array: MAC address of blukii Beacon
RSSI: 1 signed byte: RSSI measured value in [dBm].
Timestamp: 8 bytes (unsigned int64 little endian): Time of data acquisition in the form of a Unix timestamp in milliseconds.
Battery: 1 byte (unsigned int8): Battery percentage.
The records are sorted in ascending order according to timestamp.
Frame Data Type: 0x01
Content Length: 21 Bytes
UUID | Major | Minor | Measured Power |
16 bytes | 2 bytes | 2 bytes | 1 byte |
UUID: 16 bytes array: iBeacon UUID
Major: 2 bytes (unsigned int16 big endian): iBeacon Major
Minor: 2 bytes (unsigned int16 big endian): iBeacon Minor
Measured Power: 1 signed byte: iBeacon Measured Power in [dBm].
Frame Data Type: 0x02
Content Length: 17 Bytes
TxPower | Namespace | Instance |
1 byte | 10 bytes | 6 bytes |
TxPower: 1 signed byte: Eddystone TxPower value in [dBm].
Namespace: 10 bytes array: Eddystone UID Namespace
Instance: 6 bytes array: Eddystone UID Instance
Frame Data Type: 0x04
Content Length: 12 Bytes
Battery | Temperature | Packets | Active Time |
2 bytes | 2 bytes | 4 bytes | 4 bytes |
Battery: 2 bytes (unsigned int16 big endian): Battery capacity in millivolts
Packets: 4 bytes (unsigned int16 big endian): Number of Data Frames the Beacon has sent since startup
Frame Data Type: 0x10
Content Length: 22 Bytes
Device Id | Tracing Set | Frame Index | Found Devices |
2 bytes | 1 byte | 1 byte | 16 bytes |
Device Id: 2 bytes (unsigned int16 big endian): Device tracing id of the current blukii (inherited from iBeacon minor value).
Tracing Set: 1 byte (unsigned int8): Device Tracing Set index that is increased after each scan period.
Frame Index: 1 byte (unsigned int8): Frame index as part of one Tracing Set.
Found Devices: List of up to 6 other devices that were scanned in last scan period, see coding below.
Id 0 | RSSI 0 | Id 1 | RSSI 1 | … | Id 5 | RSSI 5 |
2 bytes | 1 byte | 2 bytes | 1 byte | … | 2 bytes | 1 byte |
The Found Devices are sorted according to RSSI value with highest value first.
Frame Data Type: 0x20
Content Length: special content defined
Special Type | Special Content |
1 byte | N bytes |
Special Type: 1 byte (unsigned int8): Special Frame Data Type
Content: Array of N bytes: lenght and data depends on the Special Frame Data Type